Daily encouragement

Video by

Chad Smith

ACF Devo Team

dive deeper

Galatians 5:13

You my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. (NIV)

Behind the Scenes

Bug spray, check. Clothes, check. Sleeping bag and pillow, check. My job after my freshman year of college involved working at a camp in a location I had never been, filled with people I’d never met. The love of Jesus had altered my first year of college, and when I heard about a Christian camp needing counselors, I quickly volunteered. I had a list of items I would need for the summer, and l followed the list to a T. I bought an extra-large military duffle and was able to fit everything into that one bag. With my train ticket in hand, I boarded the train, filled with nerves and excitement.  

As I ventured on my journey, what I didn’t realize was the stress that accumulated with each pound that was in my ridiculously awkward… heavy… overstuffed duffle bag. In near tears, I had to wrestle my bag out of each luggage carriage to switch trains multiple times over my 7-plus-hour journey. With each stop, my stress would build, and I would drag this duffle as fast and quickly as I could through the train station to catch my next train. I remember one kind stranger helping me carry it off the train. I even distinctly recall unzipping my bag to actually hand-carry my 10-pound liquid laundry detergent!  

It made sense to be prepared, but what I didn’t realize was that overpacking hindered my journey. I was obedient to the service God called me to, but I had excess baggage that limited me in what I was able to do. In his letter to the Galatians, Paul is questioning the “extra baggage” that the people were holding on to. The church was mixing their new faith in Christ with their previous Jewish laws and traditions. Living the Spirit-filled life isn’t faith in Christ and being circumcised. It's not faith in Christ and observing certain holidays. The traditions and adherence to the Jewish law do not make them “better” Christians. Paul explains that the Old Testament law pointed to Christ, who fulfilled the Law for us (3:24). And because of faith in Christ alone, we can be led by his Spirit inside of us. Christ, who sets us free, gives us his spirit, the Holy Spirit, allowing us to express our faith through love and service to others.

Make it Real

As we enter this new series, we’re asking how serving those around us could lead to a deeper life in Christ. We don’t serve to be “better” Christians; rather, we serve out of the overflow of our hearts for bringing the Kingdon of God to those around us. Where do you see yourself doing that?  

Sometimes, as we walk out our faith in Christ, we get entangled by fear or held back by our inadequacies. We think we don’t know enough of the answers, or that, if people really knew our past, they would think we were frauds. In order to serve and step out in faith, we feel that we must check the boxes and already be equipped. But what Paul says in his message to the Galatians is this: we don’t need our good works or perfection to equip us for God’s use. We need the knowledge that Christ sets us free and that his Spirit empowers us to carry out his work.  

Isn’t that just like us, though? To follow Jesus and walk out our faith, only to find ourselves carrying an unnecessary 10-gallon jug of laundry detergent! I could have had a much less stressful journey had I only packed the essentials and asked for help when I got to my destination. Surely someone would have shared laundry detergent with me! When we read our Bible, pray, worship, and live in community, we don’t live by checked boxes; we live by his Spirit within us. And we are to use the truth that we are set free to help serve and set others free, as well. When we live under the singular mission of following Christ, we are set free to serve as the Spirit leads.  

Do you believe that you are free to serve without the baggage, or is something holding you back? Pray and ask God to equip you with his Spirit as you serve for his Kingdom. Do you lack faith that the Lord will provide for the mission he’s calling you to? Pray, asking him for wisdom, and that he will show you his faithfulness as you follow.

End in Prayer

King Jesus, I praise you that you are the ultimate servant, that your love was so radical and your mission so faithful to that of your Father. I thank you that you don’t call the equipped, but through the Holy Spirit, you equip us for the task you call us to. Show us, Lord, where we are to love and serve through the power of the Holy Spirit. Expose our sinful nature so that we may confess and walk in step with you. Amen.

Written by

Hollyn Roberts

ACF Devo Team