Daily encouragement

Video by

Noah Zuniga

ACF Devo Team

dive deeper

Luke 12:31

Instead, seek his kingdom, and all these things will be added to you.

Behind the Scenes

Have you ever known someone that made you feel like there was some kind of hidden agenda every time they talked to you? Like maybe they were trying to get something from you or even make you feel a certain way?

I think sometimes God must feel that way with me. You know I enter into prayer with the “right” Christian posture (whatever that is…) and use all the “right” Christian words, but deep down, I’m just trying to get my way. I’m trying to convince Him that I have the right angle on things and that He should jump on board with me. My stress and my distractions can lead me to think that God is not going to provide for me and that I need to store up — get more things, get more power, get more prestige because I’m on my own.

Prior to our verse today, Jesus tells His disciples a parable about a rich man who had so much grain that he needed to build bigger barns. And then he thought that he could just sit back and eat, drink, and be merry (vs. 19). Verse 20 goes on to say, “But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God” (emphasis added).

Let’s keep reading because I think this next part is critical…verse 22 says, “And he said to his disciples, ‘Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about your body, what you will put on. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing.’” Skipping down to verse 30, “For all the nations of the world seek after these things, and your Father knows that you need them. Instead, seek his kingdom, and these things will be added to you.”

Make it Real

I think fear is the driving factor for many to act as the rich fool in the above story. We fear we will be left without — whether it’s the physical things in verses 22-31 or maybe something a little less tangible…love, companionship, power, prestige — all of these things can take our attention away from God. Look at what verse 30 says though — your Father knows what you need. He knows we need food, clothing, and even some of the intangibles like love and companionship. But our power and prestige need to come FROM Him FOR Him or it’s just wasted.

Further, Jesus could have used any name of God here, but He uses the name Father. The Greek word here is pater — which encompasses the idea of God being the father of all rational and intelligent beings because he is their creator, preserver, guardian, and protector.

I love that so much — He is not only our Creator, knowing intimately what our bodies need to live, but He is our Preserver, Guardian, Protector. Do you think He won’t provide for us? Do you think He just sits on His mighty throne and watches it all go down without a care? NO! He is our Guardian. He is our Father! He loves us and delights in us. He wants us to have joy and live abundantly (John 10:10). The problem is, in this broken world we live in, our perspectives are skewed as to what joy and abundance look like. We want more…more stuff, more power, more money, more friends, more, more, more. But God wants what’s best for us. And sometimes that means less…

When my agenda is me, I’m going to store up treasures for me. I’m going to store up things that will be fleeting and not lasting. But when my agenda is God — well, then I store up the things of eternal importance. When I seek God first, listening for what His agenda and will are, then – and only then – can I truly live joyfully and abundantly.

So, when you are disappointed that God didn’t make YOUR agenda happen, and you feel like He doesn’t care about you or for you, focus on Him and His kingdom. Whether it’s a love lost or the loss of a job, whether you feel like you have been kicked in the teeth more times than you can count, try to flip the perspective and seek the things of God first. That may not help the pain and disappointment in the moment, but God is faithful, and when we keep our focus on Him, He will show us how to walk through those disappointments. And, in the end, our eternal treasures will be secure in Him.

End in Prayer

Father God, when the pain and disappointments hit, it’s sometimes really hard to keep our focus on You and Your kingdom. The pain of this world can be devastating, but God, we trust in You. We know that You are faithful and that Your compassion never ends. God help us to set aside our own agenda and lean into Your eternal agenda. Jesus, we love You! In Your name we pray ~ AMEN.

Written by

Colleen McGeorge

ACF Groups Coordinator