Daily encouragement

Video by

Mia Carson

ACF Devo Team

dive deeper

Psalm 136

It is he who remembered us in our low estate, for his steadfast love endures forever;

and rescued us from our foes, for his steadfast love endures forever.

Behind the Scenes

What is so special about God’s love? We can throw out the phrase “God loves you” but does the recipient really understand just how profound the gift and the giver are. Our individual past histories give us some context of love and those that have loved us, but they truly don’t compare to the love that God provides because as 1 John 4 states in verses 8 and 16, “God IS love.”

With that said, we can’t fully explore the breadth nor depth of His love in this short devo today, but let’s consider how Israel responded to the affections of God toward them. Israel firsthand witnessed God intervening into His Creation and calling out a people to be His people. His love toward Israel is a great tangible picture of how God loves and what our response should be.

Psalm 136 is a wonderful example. You may recognize the structure of this psalm as a responsorial psalm, or thanksgiving hymn. Commonly known as the Great Hallel (praise), each verse states an attribute or action of God, followed by the repeated praise “for his steadfast love endures forever” (ESV). The Hebrew word for steadfast love is khesed.

Khesed is a multi-faceted word defining God’s love, generosity, enduring commitment (steadfastness), grace, mercy, faithfulness, kindness, devotion. Other translations will use these terms in place of love. Khesed gives us an understanding of the limitless affection or devotion God is capable of. Like Israel, believers in His Son are the recipients of this devotion that is unlike anything we can or will experience outside of Him.

The verses highlighted today, Psalm 136:23-24, reflect the seemingly low stature of the Israelites, possibly during their Egyptian enslavement. God did not forget them nor forsake them as slaves to be discarded but rather an inheritance He had promised their father Abraham many generations before. He would remove them from captivity and take them into the promised land while removing the foes in front of them.

Make it Real

Look again at the response Israel had for our Redeemer God: “for His steadfast love endures forever." God, the Rescuer, has an unwavering love (steadfast), an uncompromising love (endures), and an eternal love (forever). Israel was the recipient of this love because God promised it, not because Israel deserved it.

God also remembers us in our lowly state, and, because of the promises He has made through His Son Jesus, we also can become a recipient of this love. Our faith in the completed work of Jesus on the cross is the key, as Romans 8:39 states: “neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

As we close today, remember God is loyal (even when we falter), God is faithful (even when we are doubtful), and God is merciful (even when we don’t deserve it). Remind yourself of when God has displayed His love toward you and respond in praise, asking the Holy Spirit to help you reciprocate this love to those around you.

End in Prayer

Lord, how deep is your love for us! I give you praise for the many things you have done for me, the seen and the unseen. You have brought me out of the slavery of my sinful flesh and given me access to your throne of grace. All this because of the promises you have made through your Son, Jesus. In his holy and precious name, I pray. Amen!

Written by

Danny Venhaus

ACF Operations Director