Daily encouragement

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Psalm 145:10

“All Your works will give thanks to You, Lord, and Your godly ones will bless You.”

Behind the Scenes

Have you ever thought of all the things that God’s hand created? In Genesis, we are told that God spoke all of life into existence. Through His creative power and through His eternal might, He opened His mouth and life happened. He created the sky, the land, the oceans. He placed the stars in the sky and told the moon and sun where to sit. He set the world in motion and caused the planets to spin around the sun in just the right way, at just the right distance. He created galaxies and a universe that was so vast, so beautiful, and so far beyond our world that it would forever speak of His great wonder.

He caused plants and animals to spring up on the earth. He created atmosphere and caused the earth to turn at just the right speed, tilted at just the right angle, to cause day and night and seasons. He created intricate flowers and plants so small and detailed that much of His creation would only go noticed by His eye. He created animals that were unique and fascinating. He created beautiful meadows and rolling hills, waterfalls and rivers. He told the oceans where to stop and set the tides in motion to bring life to the seas.

And as the pinnacle of His creation, God crafted mankind with His own hands. He reached into the dirt and formed Adam. He breathed His life into Him- something God hadn’t done with any other of His creation. And from Adam’s side, God fashioned Eve and breathed His life into her. He made them, male and female, in His beautiful image, to display His glory in a unique way no other part of His creation would. He walked with them and talked with them. He lived in communion with them.  

Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are God’s workmanship. This word denotes the idea of purpose and love, care and devotion. God literally put His hands on you. He crafted and created you. In your mother’s womb He fashioned you uniquely and beautifully. You are His mighty works. You are His creation.  

And we were created for a purpose- to live in worshipful communion with the Creator. We were made to worship Him, made to give Him praise and live in harmony with Him. God, the ultimate Creator, could have made all His creation to be distant and far off. But He didn’t. He purposed for you and me, for all of humanity to live in a close, intimate relationship with Him, to worship Him through our lives in a unity and love that both brings Him glory and blesses us eternally.  

When David wrote this Psalm, I truly believe that he had this purpose in mind. I believe he glimpsed the beauty of a life lived for God and toward God. I believe he understood the great honor and blessing it is to be the “works of God” and to give Him glory.

Make it Real

This past week, my husband and I were watching a show called Moving Art. Each episode hones in on specific parts of nature as the camera pans over creation and captures amazing things we would not usually see set against a backdrop of calming music. We first turned it on for something to play in the background but found ourselves transfixed on the amazing footage we were seeing.  

My favorite so far has been the episode on flowers. Frame after frame is filled with timelapse videos of flowers blooming, opening to the sun, closing at night, and developing through their life cycle. As I looked at the intricate details of each flower, so beautifully crafted, it occurred to me that so much of this beauty God creates for His own delight and praise. No human eye ever sees it. Literally every day there is a riot of color and beauty across the world that gives glory to God alone!

All of His creation praises Him! Even the minute beauty of flowers, the intricate way He fashions bugs, the hidden beauty of nature that we will never fully behold- all of it points to a good and beautiful Creator. And all of it brings Him praise.  

So, who am I not to praise Him? If the stars and the galaxies praise Him, so will I. If the flowers and the bugs praise Him, so will I. If the seas and the skies praise Him, so will I. I, a member of His beloved mankind- the pinnacle of His creation- will not deny my Creator the praise He is due. I will lift my hands and my heart to Him. I will delight in the intimate relationship He created me for. I will draw near to Him for He is so worthy of my whole life. Praise God, the Creator of all life and holiness!  

End in Prayer

Creator God, I will praise You all the days of my life. I praise You with my very last breath. You are so worthy to be praised! Lord I lift Your name on high! Be glorified in my life today.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Written by

Crystal Garnett

ACF Digital Discipleship Director and Church Plant