Daily encouragement

Video by

Stuart Poteet

Discipleship Pastor

dive deeper

Psalm 145:19

“He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He will also hear their cry for help and save them.”

Behind the Scenes

What a beautiful promise we have in verse 19 of this Psalm. God is the God who fulfills the desires of those who fear Him. But what exactly does that mean? Does it mean that God acts like a cosmic genie in the sky, granting us whatever our heart’s desire is? Does it mean that He bends to our will, giving us what we want if we are faithful to Him?

As we look at this verse through the lens of the whole of Scripture, we can confidently see that is not what David meant by this. In fact, it is something so much more beautiful than that. This idea of “fearing God” is not one of terror or of the kind of fear that makes us run from something. It is just the opposite actually. Biblically, when we talk about the fear of God, it could also be translated as the awe and reverence for God. It is perceiving God in all His splendor and responding in an appropriate adoration and devotion to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

As a result of that posture, our hearts are purified. When we fear the Lord, we long to bring Him praise, and our desires long for what His desires long for. When we surrender to the only King worth our whole hearts, minds, souls, and bodies, we find rest in the perfect and holy desires of a perfect and holy God. We trust His way, and we desire His will.  

So as David writes this, he’s not saying God gives us what we want, but more that when we fear Him, we want what God wants, and God is always faithful to fulfill His will. He doesn’t hold the good things out in front of us and tempt us, then rip them away. God shows us the better way and then is faithful to fulfill it. God gives us a glimpse into the blessing of being His children and then welcomes us in with open arms. He is a good God who is gracious and faithful, trustworthy beyond all comprehension.  

I love the second part of this verse, as well, because it confirms that God doesn’t just want us to fear Him, He also wants us to cry out to Him in our need. See, He isn’t just this far-off dictator who wants us to do whatever He says. He is a good and loving Father who comes to our rescue when we need Him. He hears our plea; He listens to our cry. But more than that, HE RESPONDS! He is the one who helps us. He is the one who saves us.

Make it Real

When I read this, I see such a sweet blending of both God’s power and might with His love and sufficiency. He is the God who is so worthy of all our devotion, to whom we owe everything, and who is so far above us that we cannot even comprehend. Yet, He is also the God who CHOOSES to draw near, CHOOSES to rescue His children, CHOOSES to listen. He is both so far above us and yet so near to us.  

I don’t know about you, but that touches my heart in a special way. That the God of the universe who is so worthy of all my adoration and praise would CHOOSE to rescue me from my distress… That chokes me up. He is just so, so good!

This week, as we draw this devo series to a close, can we just let that truth wash over us? We’ve spent the last few weeks talking about some of the amazing attributes of God, and we still have a few more days to keep going in that. But I am just struck so much by today’s verse and the truth that it holds. I don’t want us to miss this. I don’t want us to hurry past it or forget.  

Our GREAT God, mighty and so worthy of praise, is also our GOOD Father, patient and loving. He is both magnificent and yet deeply involved in the minute. He is both grand and intimate. He is both the Lord and also our great lover. He reigns, and yet He also serves. He is perfect and holy, leaning in to rescue those who could never be either on our own. He is enough. He is patient. He is love. He is good. He is gracious. And He is KING!

End in Prayer

Holy God,

I will praise You for all my days and forevermore. Thank You that You care. Thank You that You are so worthy of all my devotion and praise. I don’t have to settle for worshiping a faulty or fickle god. You are easy to love. And You care so dearly for me. You meet me in my need- even when that need is caused by my choice to go against Your perfect will. You are forgiving and gracious. I lift Your name on high!


Written by

Crystal Garnett

ACF Digital Discipleship Director and Church Plant