Daily encouragement

Video by

Allie Gardner

dive deeper

Psalm 145:4

“Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power.”

Behind the Scenes

This is our first week of looking at Psalm 145 verse by verse, “A psalm of praise of David. I will exalt you, my God and King, and praise your name forever and ever. I will praise you every day; yes, I will praise you for ever. Great is the LORD! He is most worthy of praise! No one can measure his greatness. Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power.”  

Our verse today starts off, “Let each generation…” When breaking out the Hebrew of this, it can actually read, “One generation to another” So, we are to tell our children and children’s children, from one generation to another, and each generation is to do this.  

“…of your mighty acts.” What are we to pass on to the next generation — His mighty acts. Let’s go ahead a recount a few of those now:

God created the heavens and the earth and all that inhabit them. With a single breath, God spoke the world into existence. Honestly, I think we could stop right there, but God didn’t. God continued to show his greatness and might through many acts.

God brought a powerful flood to wipe out an evil generation and preserve the righteous. He enabled a mere man to build a vessel large enough to house and sustain two of every animal in existence at the time. THAT’S POWER.

God perfectly positioned a descendant of Abraham to save and deliver Israel from a great famine. Joseph, after being sold by his brothers, falsely accused and imprisoned, ended up in the service of the Pharaoh, where he was able to make a plan for the impending famine. This plan ended up saving his family and the entire Jewish line.  

Of course, God wasn’t done. When Israel was in captivity in Egypt under another Pharaoh, God brought miraculous plagues upon the Egyptians until Pharaoh agreed to set them free. Here, God showed off again by splitting the Red Sea in two and allowing the Israelites to pass over on dry ground while releasing the seas to destroy the Egyptian army.  

I mean really I could go on and on — Daniel in the lion’s den, Jericho falling from the sound of a trumpet, dry bones coming to life, Sarah conceiving way past the age of reproduction, Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego surviving the fiery furnace, Jesus resurrecting Lazarus, and Jesus’s very own resurrection after three days in the tomb.  

Make it Real

Okay, so you see that God has moved in mighty ways and demonstrated His power in the past, but what about modern day? Does He still move in mighty and powerful ways?  

I would argue yes — ever seen a baby take their first breath? Ever seen the sun rise on a crisp spring morning? Ever seen someone who walked away from Jesus come back and then be baptized? Or how about this — ever hear that still small voice that urged you to call or text someone who was suddenly in your heart and on your mind to hear them say that was exactly what they needed? Did you wake up this morning with breath in your lungs?  

You see, every single moment of this life and the hope of the next is God showing His mighty power and moving in miraculous ways. What we are called to do is REMEMBER what He has done and TELL future generations all about them. That is why we tell stories at ACF. That is why we highlight the things God is doing in the lives of our community, recounting the ways God moves day in and day out.

To be honest, it’s sometimes so easy to forget what God has done. When circumstances change and are tough and we feel like God isn’t listening, we tend to forget all that He has already done in our lives. I like to journal and just jot down where I’ve seen God move on a daily basis. Some days are hard, and I have to remember that merely to wake up each morning is a blessing and a supernatural happening. Other days, I journal about conversations where God showed his loving character. And still others, all I need to do is look out my window at the amazing landscape God crafted.  

How can you “remember” what God has done in your life? May I suggest you try journaling your very own God sightings each day? Then don’t be shy about telling your children and your children’s children and all those around you what a mighty and powerful God you have.  

End in Prayer

Father God, Your might is beyond comprehension. When You spoke the world into existence, You demonstrated for all time the power You possess. But God, You don’t just have power — that power is wrapped in love and affection for us, Your people, Your Imago Dei. Lord, thank You for just being You and allowing us to not only witness all that You do, but also to be a part of it. Thank You for loving us. Thank You for Jesus. In His name — AMEN!

Written by

Colleen McGeorge

ACF Groups Coordinator